Sunday, March 29, 2009

haiz... so fast! 1 week since sch reopen liao... I HATE IT!!! ok lah i dun really feel like posting today so juz here to say hi and...


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

yo peeps! i know lah i damn long never post liao lah... but then i too sian 2 post lah. would make it "short n sweet" 2day :) finally holiday come already! had been studying like mad for the past 10 weeks. then there is still npcc... speaking of that... i dun believe i actually SURVIVED the ITC! the NCOs say ITC means Internal Training Camp but really... i feel its more like Intensive Torturing Camp lols. it was so damn tiring lor they early in the morning like around 5+am fire drill so we no choice have to wake up. then after that they 就 ask us do PT liao. 2.4km of continuous running (YES! continuous... they dun allow us to walk zzz... i almost died... lol) then followed by pumping... then sit up... then jumping jacks. worst of all during the PT we dun even have water break lor... haiz i cant believe i actually went through all this and still survived lol then on the day i was released from the ITC i was like so damn tired lor. i normally go home by bus mah. so on the day i took the same bus from my school back to the woodlands bus interchange. then something so embarrassing happened... coz the ride from sch back to interchange very long mah then i actually fell asleep... then the bus reach the terminal already i oso dunno. in the end i forgot is who already lah but i think is the bus driver come wake me up. LOL!!! i was like so damned embarassed lor somemore im wearing sch uni! haiz... i shouldnt have fell asleep lor... ok lah gtg le bye everyone!

Monday, March 2, 2009

haizzz today so sian so much hw to do maths,history,english,chinese,science
and then tmr still nid attend NPCC... juz the tot of it makes me feel like jumping off the building zzz... someone HELP ME!!! I dun wanna go lor so sian and then they treat us like so damn strict
make us do this do that then run here run there like siao and then some more hor they oso never let us have water break wan lor. 3h out in the sun never drink water, i tink i going to dehydrate soon... but then why i dun like them is not coz they ask us do training, is coz when we do training they juz stand there see us do they dunnid do anything lor SO GOOD!!! haizzz wait till i become NCO,or even better,sir,then im gonna 整 them 整到死死的. MUAHAHAHA... :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

yo peeps my new blog... ok lah im not very gd at decorating my blog lah...
I dun really care anyway,too troublesome... hope you dun mind the
"plain-ness" of the blog