Tuesday, March 17, 2009

yo peeps! i know lah i damn long never post liao lah... but then i too sian 2 post lah. would make it "short n sweet" 2day :) finally holiday come already! had been studying like mad for the past 10 weeks. then there is still npcc... speaking of that... i dun believe i actually SURVIVED the ITC! the NCOs say ITC means Internal Training Camp but really... i feel its more like Intensive Torturing Camp lols. it was so damn tiring lor they early in the morning like around 5+am fire drill so we no choice have to wake up. then after that they 就 ask us do PT liao. 2.4km of continuous running (YES! continuous... they dun allow us to walk zzz... i almost died... lol) then followed by pumping... then sit up... then jumping jacks. worst of all during the PT we dun even have water break lor... haiz i cant believe i actually went through all this and still survived lol then on the day i was released from the ITC i was like so damn tired lor. i normally go home by bus mah. so on the day i took the same bus from my school back to the woodlands bus interchange. then something so embarrassing happened... coz the ride from sch back to interchange very long mah then i actually fell asleep... then the bus reach the terminal already i oso dunno. in the end i forgot is who already lah but i think is the bus driver come wake me up. LOL!!! i was like so damned embarassed lor somemore im wearing sch uni! haiz... i shouldnt have fell asleep lor... ok lah gtg le bye everyone!

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